Enrollment Information

Panama Marine Resource Foundation Schedule of entry participation levels.

1- Benefactor level--------------------------------------------------------------------Unlimited

2- Founder Membership------------------------------------------------------------$2,500.00

3- Gold card membership----------------------------------------------------------$1,000.00

4- Associate membership, non commercial----------------------------------$500.00

5- General membership----------------------------------------------------------------$100.00

6- student membership------------------------------------------------------------------$50.00

7- Senior and military membership------------------------------------------------$25.00*note, only Benefactor, founder, gold and Associate members may post commercial advertisements on our web site. 

It is a small price to pay in a country with such great fishing. Remember there is no license requirement here in Panama. Membership in the foundation is a way of helping us maintain the sustainability of the fishing here.


  1. Thanks Bud for the post. You are a "reel" asset to the foundation. I hope this will be of help to all the sports men and women who come to fish the waters of Panama. It is a small price to pay in a country with such great fishing. Remember there is no license requirement here in Panama. Membership in the foundation is a way of helping us maintain the sustainability of the fishing here. John Maynard, President. P.M.R.F.

  2. Thanks John We will do alot of great things for the people of Panama and there great country.BK
